Executive Director & Head of News, Manhattan

A former Foreign Service officer, Kausar Mumin, is currently a student of Journalism and Politics at the State University of New York. He also studied English Literature and International Politics. He has profound passion for the promotion of democracy and the democratic values among the societies and among the nations worldwide. He is also the founding Executive Director of the ‘Archer Kent Blood Center for Democracy’ – a New York based think tank dedicated in promoting the democratic values and civil and political rights worldwide; including the promotion of UN ICCPR.

CTV NY-COMMUNITY TELEVISION OF NEW YORK is a YouTube based channel engaged in promoting the meetings, resolutions, agendas and outcomes of the 56 NYC Community Boards- which are recognized as the first leg of the New York City local administration. CTV NY strongly believes that If we could connect the activities of the each Community Board with the citizens of the respective Community Districts; it will empower the people, strengthen our democracy and encourage the participation of the citizens in the matters which regulate their daily lives.